Welcome to the Linwood High School History page. Below you will find information on the History courses we currently offer within the department.
S1 History
Ancient Scotland
The Scottish Wars of Independence
S2 History
The Transatlantic Slave Trade
Civil Rights in the USA: Civil Rights in 1950s & 60s America
In S1 and S2 we seek to develop the skills necessary to become a successful historian. The topics are chosen to help encourage enjoyment of learning and an understanding of the importance of the past and what it can teach us today. We develop pupils’ understanding of using primary and secondary sources when studying the past, introduce the idea of evidence and the need to make valid conclusions. In S2 we aim to develop the complexity of the source material and aim to encourage pupils to add further length and sophistication to their responses when analyzing source material.
S3 History
The Origins of the First World War
Scotland in the Era of the Great War, 1900-1928
S3 History classes work within the framework of the Broad General Education while building upon pupils’ knowledge and skills learned in History in S1 and S2. Challenging topics are chosen which aim to facilitate pupils’ understanding of the impact of world events in a local, national and international context.
S4 History
Hitler and Nazi Germany, 1919-1939
The Making of Modern Britain, 1880-1951
In S4 pupils study for their National courses and complete their study of Scotland in the Era of the Great War. Pupils then study conditions in Germany after the First World War, the Weimar Republic and the rise of the Nazi party up to 1939. Pupils also complete a study of modern Britain, 1880-1951. In S4 pupils continue to develop their knowledge and source handling skills in preparation for the National 4 Added Value Unit, National 5 Assignment and the May exams.
S5 & S6 History
Russia, 1881-1921
Britain, 1851-1951
The Wars of Independence, 1249-1328
In S5 and S6 pupils will either sit the National or Higher course in a mixed level class. Higher candidates are required to draw upon the depth of their historical knowledge in order to write at length in a structured and analytical way. In addition, Higher candidates are expected to compare and evaluate more sophisticated primary and secondary sources and place them in their historical context. Candidates must also complete a National 5 or Higher assignment.