The Course provides learners with the opportunity to develop their listening, talking, reading and writing skills in order to understand and use the foreign language.
Unit 1: Understanding Language The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunities to develop their receptive language skills (ie Reading and Listening) through topic-based study. Learners develop the skills needed to understand and interpret straightforward written and spoken passages in French.
Unit 2: Using Language The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunities to develop their productive language skills (ie Talking and Writing) though topic-based study. Learners develop the communication skills needed to talk and write in familiar contexts.
Added Value Unit The purpose of this Unit is to provide learners to apply all four language skills to investigate and report on a chosen topic. This assignment will allow the learner to demonstrate challenge and application.
Course Assessment To gain National 4, learners must pass both Units including the Added Value assignment. Units are assessed as pass or fail by the school. Skills for Learning, Life and Work Communication skills, Presentation skills, Critical thinking skills, career knowledge, time management, problem-solving, collaborative learning, teamwork, taking responsibility for own development (self-evaluation), literacy skills.
Topics Covered
Over the course we cover the four contexts of Society, Learning, Employability and Culture. Some of the topics covered are listed below and some are clickable links to the BBC Bitesize website where you can practise your skills in that topic area.