Linwood High School is committed to inclusive education and to offering the very best support to its students. Within the principles of ‘Getting it Right for Every Child’ subject teachers and specialist support staff work together as a team, to meet individual learners needs. The Pupil Support Centre is situated in the support corridor of the school next to both Pastoral Care and Home Link. This well-resourced centre has a suite of 4 rooms offering a classroom with access to technology and interactive learning activities to support pupils. One of the rooms is designed to support pupils with our more therapeutic approaches e.g. mindfulness, art therapy, emotional regulation programmes etc. It also has smaller areas designated for one to one tutorials and group work as well as a multi functioning room with a 'calm space', study areas and employability skills hub. All students are given the opportunity to make the most of their individual skills and abilities and students are supported by trained staff who have an excellent record of recognising and addressing the needs of individual students including those who have Additional Support Needs.